Free Quotation

Free Quotation


Type of Renewal

  • Renewal
  • Transfer Of Ownership
  • New Registration

Insurance type

  • 1st Party Comprehensive
  • TPFT (3rd party Fire & Theft)
  • Third Party Only + PA

  1. Vehicle No
  2. Full Name
  3. Ic No
  4. Postcode
  5. WhatsApp num / Email add
  6. Roadtax (yes / no) Roadtax Digital / Roadtax Physical

  7. If yes,
    Roadtax Digital:RM10
    Roadtax Physical Runner & Express Delivery:RM20
For any enquiry please WhatsApp us on +6018-9599587

Car insurance:

  • Private owned
  • Company owned

Motorcycle insurance:

  • Motorcycle
  • Superbike

Commercial Vehicle Insurance:

  • Permit A
  • Permit C
  • Permit LA
  • Permit KA

Travel Insurance:

  • Domestic
  • Overseas

For any enquiry please WhatsApp us on +6018-9599587